Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to the grind

Hey all, long time no write. Shortly after my last post back in January, XII Legion joined up with a number of our former REPO alliance mates in the Snatch Victory mercenary alliance. There were many kills to be had and awesome times by all. Unfortunately in mid-April, a fair amount of drama and burnout combined to make us decide to part ways with Snatch.

Having heard good reviews of Noir., a number of our core members took a two week trip into Noir. during their part in the conquest of Providence. Don't get me wrong, there are some pretty damned nice people in Noir., but their hype is definitely pumped up in my opinion. The biggest factor in Noir. planning is killboard efficiency. Now while I can understand the importance of showing good returns for a client's investment, Noir. leadership goes so far as to threaten the boot if a member flies an 'expensive' ship and looses it.

Most of their veteran membership also tends to be very 'groupy'. If you're not 'in' then you're not given too much assistance getting situated. They look down on setups that are outside of their 'think box', tactics that aren't safe, and basically anything that makes them uncomfortable.
Frankly it equated to shenanigans that just could not stand...Fighting to not lose, like Noir.'s style is centered on, doesn't sit well with those used to fighting to matter the cost.

After a frustrating two weeks most Legion members took a 4 month sabbatical from merc/grief work and went to Querious as renters. Cabin fever tends to not let us relax long like that so now we're back in empire and working on new wars. Our first victim? You know hate him...he was the Caldari Militia's furry FC of doom...Daniel Jackson.

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