Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Random Idea

Greetings once again faithful and new readers. I must say, I am quite honored and amused to have three new subscribers within the last week. When I started this thing, it was more a place for random thoughts and I never imagined I'd have any real readers.

Anywho, I'm stuck indoors tonight due to lots of snow and really bad road conditions...for anyone who knows me, boredom is bad, m'kay? It did allow for me to toss around an old idea that I have considered from time to time, but have never attempted. Anyone who either reads Crime and Punishment regularly or knows any of the basics about the Battletech Universe knows of or has heard of the Mercenary Review Board (MRB) or the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission (MRBC). This concept has been brought to Eve by a few roleplayers and a handful of trolls to attempt to stir up trouble against various mercenary organizations.

I wish to use this blog, and perspective as someone who has been a member of the mercenary community and continues to actively take and pursue contracts to attempt to give as unbiased and relevant review of some of Eve-Online's mercenary units, both past and present.

This will be a long-term project and in all likelihood I expect some people to take offense at what I post here in terms of analysis and ranking. While it not my intent to offend anyone with this, it may happen. I would greatly appreciate feedback on my reviews in order to help me refine the system and rankings to give as accurate a picture of those I profile as possible.

I will be rating the organizations that I profile based on a number of catagories:

How long has the unit been in the game?
How long have the members/member corps been together, or how long were they together?
How long has the unit been involved in mercenary work?

Combat Record:
How successful is the unit at completing contracts to the clients' satisfaction?
What does the unit's K:D ratio in ships and ISK look like?
How effectively can the unit apply its firepower?

Where does the unit tend to operate? (Highsec/Lowsec/Nullsec)
How effectively can they supply themselves? (Replace losses)
Do their logistics capabilities permit them to move enough personnel and material to continue prolonged operations?
How far can/will the unit be able to move itself and its resources to pursue the completion of a contract?

What ship types are used most? (t1, t2, t3)
Does the unit have access to Capital Ships?
How much firepower is typically brought to fights?

Is the unit in the Red (losing money) or in the Black (showing profit)?
Are they causing more damage in ISK than they are receiving?

The first profile/ranking of a mercenary unit (which should be up relatively soon) will focus on the unit that, in large part, was the progenitor for today's mercenary business and the roll-model for the modern nullsec alliance. Everyone aspired to their prowess and their firepower. Mercenaries wanted to be them. Alliances wanted to hire them. Coalitions feared them and were broken by them. I am, of course, referring to Mercenary Coalition.

1 comment:

  1. I fully endorse this product and/or service.

    If I can just throw in my 0.2 Isk;
    I would assume you are going to try and avoid the "Dragoons-Bias" as coined in Battletech by not necessarily focusing in a large and super-well known units or ones that are friendly to and supportive of the " mercenary unit .... that, in large part, was the progenitor for today's mercenary business and the roll-model for the modern nullsec alliance". Cos that sounds awfully like Wolf's Dragoons in BT ;)
    Just a thought.
