Thursday, December 10, 2009

Silver Twilight Enterprises Day 3

Alright ladies and gentlemen, it is currently Day 3 of our war dec against Silver Twilight Enterprises. So far they continue to refuse to meet our demands of isk and kicking ZTG members from their member corporations, and so far that has meant a decent number of kills for XII Legion personnel. Here's a rundown so far:

Day 1:
Day 1 got off to a pretty good start with the hulk kill mentioned in my previous entry. Later that afternoon, Kainan and I were sitting in station eating lunch and running pings on the location of random war targets when low and behold, two separate returns on one character, Banjorn (one of our primary ZTG targets now located in Crowded Igloo corporation) showing him moving between Perimeter and Suroken. Well that just wouldn't do to not go over and introduce ourselves since we had not had the pleasure of meeting during the NECAD v ZTG dec. Taking an educated guess as to which gates Banjorn would decide to use, we quickly moved to set up an ambush.

Our patience was quickly rewarded as our victim decided to either take a mission next door to Kusomonmon or make another run to Jita...we're still not sure which... He was intercepted at the gate after his jump into Kuso by myself in a Broadsword. Confronted with two for the gate and jump back through or engage and die, Banjorn chose to valiantly engage a superior ship with his webber, 200mm rails, and t1 Hammerheads. Even overheating could not however save him as Kainan jumped in from Suroken, where he had paused to play backstop, and sealed Banjorn's fate. To his credit, however, he was able to safely extract his pod from the battlefield for which I commend his quick thinking.

Day 1 ended fairly uneventfully but with great amusement as STENT gathered together a fleet of approximately 20-25 people to camp me and two other corpmates into Irjunen for an hour and a half. They eventually got bored and dispersed, having failed to catch our interceptors and cloakers. After they dispersed we went back out and camped half a dozen in station for a few hours before calling it a night.

Day 2
Day 2 was, compared to Day 1, very quiet. I was detained by school and unable to participate for most of the day's hunting, so some of my details are a bit sketchy atm. Legion pilots very nearly bagged another mining Hulk, but were forced to watch him log off and his ship warp out as they were dropping on his belt. STENT activity appeared to be down from the previous day as no viable targets presented themselves until after another hour or so of trying to camp us in Irjunen from 4:00pm EST to 5:00pm or so, during which they continued to smack...albeit ineffectively. Mainly just mocking us and calling us cowards for not desiring to engage them 3 vs 20. Way to go guys...I bet you feel very manly and empowered in your Drake-swarm. Keep having fun and we'll see you in Irjunen at 4 ^_^.

After the camp once again scattered to the four winds, a gang got together and went to STENT's main base in Venilen. There, they attempted to prod STENT into a fight without their blob. A STENT Scorpion managed to avoid a Legion gang by approximately 5 seconds, having achieved a well timed cycle on our scout/tackler. STENT did not get away without loss however. In the excitement outside the Caldari Navy station that they live in in Venilen, a STENT Harbinger, who had been supporting the Scorp, mistakenly attacked the station and received a smackdown from Concord for his troubles.

Later that evening, pings and intel showed that there were two brave STENT souls mission running down in Minmatar space...well we just couldn't let that happen easily and so a small gang got together and headed down towards Rens. After nearly an hour of scouting, AFion Ruki and Tovanis were relieved of their ships, a Thrasher and Merlin respectively, and Ruki happened to wake up in a new station during the encounter.

Day 3:
So far Day 3 has been interesting. Kainan, being the adventurous soul that he is, got off to an early start by catching Dragon Thunder's Caracal outside station in Venilen with his Zealot. After camping in WTs and watching them log on/off and spin ships, Kainan also had the fortune of snagging Shvak's cloaking Kestrel and pod also in Venilen after we failed to grab Dragon Thunder returning from Hogimo next door with a new Caracal.

In that time, talking with STENT member CRJ appeared to confirm their alliance's general disposition towards the war, and a great deal of ego mixed with a distinct lack of tact, tactics, and ability to think through combat related situations...

[16:51:03] Shina Windol > o/
[16:51:06] CRJ > YO
[16:51:14] Shina Windol > hows it going chief?
[16:51:15] CRJ > why did u guys declare war on us?
[16:51:20] CRJ > chief... lol
[16:51:54] Shina Windol > we declared war because of the former Zeitgeist members running to Crowded Igloo to avoid our previous wardecs vs them due to smacktalk
[16:52:18] CRJ > kk.. but then why dont you come out and fight ....
[16:52:29] CRJ > we show up on your doorstep and you dont even undock

At this point I am, admittedly, nearly face-palming. I'm sorry CRJ, but even eve rookies are unlikely to blindly undock into a 20 person blob. But by all means continue to believe that our willingness to fight on our terms and our ability to continue to rack up killmails translates to STENT winning.

[16:52:30] Shina Windol > we're not out to ruin the game for the rest of y'all, we're just after Taljian, zodd nos, tovanis and his ilk
[16:52:54] Shina Windol > you ever read Sun Tzu?
[16:53:08] CRJ > yip....
[16:53:30] CRJ > but then you guys can get a fleet and lets have 1 nice battle, finish the war and get on with eve again
[16:55:12] CRJ > ?
[16:55:19] Shina Windol > see that's the problem though....we're not ending the dec until zeitgeist pays up and apologizes, leaves your alliance, or until we're satisfied they've learned their lesson...which likely isn't going to be any time soon from the looks of things
[16:56:09] CRJ > they aint gonna pay - they aint gonna leave -
[16:56:15] CRJ > what time zone are you lot? US?
[16:56:43] Shina Windol > i'm afraid that is confidential information that can not be disclosed whilst we are still at war

See, I'd think that STENT leadership might have said something to their players by now, but considering this is their fifth player that I have explained our reasoning for declaring war to, I am doubting there is a flow of information down to the masses.

[16:57:17] Shina Windol > if they're not going to leave and arent going to pay then, as i've told your ceo and sina, we have reached an impass and will continue the dec for the forseeable future
[16:58:18] CRJ > lol.....
[16:58:45] Shina Windol > :-)
[17:00:20] CRJ > so how botu u tell me where your POS is, we will come visit, then you can try to teach those guys a lesson, we can destroy your POS and bankrupt you, and then we can call it even ;-)
[17:01:25] Shina Windol > /emote chuckles
[17:01:40] Shina Windol > you couldnt get to it
[17:01:56] CRJ > TRY US
[17:02:01] CRJ > soz, caps
[17:02:14] Shina Windol > np, it's my push to talk key as well
[17:02:34] Shina Windol > pde-
[17:02:38] CRJ > i use it for teamspeak for COD
[17:03:21] CRJ > thats just around the corner
[17:05:13] Shina Windol > should come on down and visit sometime

Please, by all means we'd love it if STENT came down to PDE- for a visit...I can't guarantee that we'd be in at the time, but I'm sure they could find a POS or some locals to entertain them while they wait....and wait....and wait...

[17:06:48] CRJ > so what do you think of obama?
[17:08:41] Shina Windol > what is your opinion on the changes to pirate faction ships with this last patch?
[17:10:06] CRJ > not a fan of pirate shipe.. i prefer killing them with standard ships.. makes the kill more satisfying
[17:11:16] Shina Windol > indeed
[17:12:41] CRJ > ok, this was fun, gonna make breakfast
[17:12:56] Shina Windol > have fun
[17:12:59] CRJ > see you later at the end of my railgun
[17:13:01] CRJ > ;-)
[17:13:06] Shina Windol > see you in irjunen in 4ish hrs?
[17:13:29] CRJ > depends if i am off work or not..
[17:13:43] Shina Windol > kk. have fun

Obvious Intel gathering attempt is obvious? Better luck next time chief. I'll see you at your blob.

Hopefully with any luck STENT will be sloppy again and we'll snag a few more kills for the day. We lurve you guys...*wink*...just give us the ZTG guys and you're done with us.

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