Monday, March 30, 2009


It seems to me that the average quality of the general Eve-enthusiast is dropping...and it's a sad, sad thing.'s bad enough that in some of the rookie tutorials CCP advocates using armor reps on shield ships, shield boosters on armor ships, or just resulting in an all-around omni-tank...but these same people then leave the shelter of their rookie systems and flood the rest of empire space. They're everywhere, and they are filled with such a false sense of confidence that it would be so amusing if it wasn't so sad at the same time. There is a distinct lack of pride in those kill mails, or so I find. It's one thing to pop a well fit ship after a nice fight, but popping these noobs isn't's almost more a public service, forcing them to look for a corporation where they might be able to gain valuable experience and knowledge about the game they so willingly pay for.

On the other hand, there is a definate lack of good contracts at the moment. With so many 'merc' corps out there, the competition for even half decent contracts is amazingly fierce. Frankly, I'm surprised that XII Legion has gotten as many as we have, even if most of them have had us shooting POS'es. We've got the numbers, we've got the skills, we've got the friends (^_^), and we've got the experience fighting empire wars/harassment...there just doesn't seem to be a need at the moment, and that's just not right. Maybe some friends will drudge up a contract soon, but until then it's back to hunting on the forums.

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