Sunday, March 29, 2009


Greetings fellow Eve-junkies, internet surfers, and random crazy people. My name is Shina...but you may call me...Shina. o_O

I am the Legatus Legionis of Eve-Online's very own XII Legion. For those of you too lazy to look it up in a browser, I'm the CEO. We're a lovely little Merc/Griefer corp...smaller member count, but we make up for it in skill, fun times, and lots and lots of alcohol. If you want to hire us for a contract, contact Shina Windol, Kainan Nishon, or Quintus Mavericus for details on the following contract types:

Empire Pos Takedown (small or medium please...unless you don't mind waiting all weekend)
Vs. and Harassment
Cadre (want to learn the ins-and-outs of combat, fittings, and tactics? hire us)

Want to chat, listen to drunked ramblings, or complain about why you see us flashy on your overview, join our in-game public channel 'XII Legion Forum'

1 comment:

  1. "Merc/Griefer corp" I'm reporting you for griefing since you admitted it :P

    But good to see you join the blogosphere!

    P.S. the security code was deckin and I loled
